Love To Luv Page 13
Yes you do know.
Buy him an outfit and some cologne. That always makes him happy.
What are you getting him?
A gift card or some cash. I am keeping it simple.
MONIQUE (sarcastically)
Thanks Pop for you help.
Monique walks off into her room. She pulled her web tablet out of her book bag. She had no idea what she was going to get him.
The doorbell rings. I walked over to answer it. There stood Ian with a arm full of catalogs.
Come on in Ian. How are you?
I am great. I have some spectacular news.
What is that?
I am getting married.
JACOB (giving him a handshake and hug)
Congratulations. Have you guys set a date?
Yeah. Jeremy wants to get married next month. I told him I wanted to do it in May. I think that we are going to do it next month. I don’t want to cut out graduations and wedding gifts.
You guy are always plotting. What did your parents say?
My parents are happy. Dad wasn’t at first but he told me that he loves me still. Jeremy’s mom is excited.
Great I am happy for you.
Is Monique home?
Yeah she is in her room. (Yelling) Monique you have company.
Monique came out of her room to the living room.
Girl I didn’t realize how funny you walked at five months. I can’t imagine how you will be at eight or nine months.
Monique gives Ian the middle finger while I wasn’t looking. She and Ian started to laugh.
Did you bring the catalogs I told you to get?
Yeah. Now I don’t want this to be a big to do.
There was another ringing of the doorbell. I got up from my chair to answer it. It was Aunt Aretha. She came into the house.
What is going on in here?
I am watching the last few episodes of Oprah. You know her show is going off the air week after next.
Yes chile. So many people are going to be lost.
IAN (interrupting)
I know I am. But at least we have OWN. You know her network.
True. I heard that Tyler Perry was going to start his own network.
What is he going to air - his shows and movies?
More than likely. It could be a major move.
I wish them all the best. I remember I wanted to have my own network.
He was going to air all the old TV shows and cartoons from his day.
That’s right when TV was good back in the 80’s and 90’s.
Aretha walks over to the table where Monique and Ian were planning out his wedding.
What are all of these tuxedo books for – prom?
We are not going to our prom. We have made other plans for that. We are planning Ian and Jeremy’s wedding.
Yes ma’am. We are getting married next month.
Well I am happy for you.
ARETHA (walking back into the living area where I was)
What is it with all of these kids getting married? They haven’t lived yet.
Well if that is what they want to do. The only thing that we can do is talk to them, explain the options, and let them decide.
What has gotten into you? You didn’t use to think like this.
Is it wrong?
No, just refreshing. So when are you getting married?
JACOB (I cocked my head over to her)
I don’t know. I am content right now. I have a good life. My daughter is married. I have a grandbaby on the way. Life is good.
Speaking of grandbaby…Monique do you know what you are having?
No ma’am. Teddy and I decided that we didn’t want to know.
Well don’t you think that you need to know so that you can start buying things.
We have bought some things already. The only reason we would need to know what they baby is, is for clothes.
(turning to me)
You need to talk to her.
I am out of it. She is married now. That is her and her husband’s decision.
What about Ian and Jeremy’s wedding? I don’t have anything against two men or two women getting married but these children are young. They have not experienced life. Why would you buy the first car you see without test driving other ones.
Auntie, once you sit in a car and the seat fits right then you don’t have to worry about other cars.
If you say so. I made that same mistake years ago.
I was in my office when I received a strange phone call from Teddy. There was nervousness in his voice. He spoke very hurriedly about windows being busted out of his car. I asked him where was he. He told me that he was about to leave school to go to work. I told him to call the police so that they could do a report for his insurance and not to leave until I got there.
I pondered who would do this and why. My next thoughts were about Monique’s safety. I pressed her picture on my phone to call her. I did not get an answer. I assumed that she was still in class. I sent her a quick text that told her to call me ASAP.
Within ten minutes she called.
Monique where are you?
Standing in the parking lot with Teddy. Are you on your way here?
Yes. Actually I am turning now. Have the police arrived?
Yeah they are questioning him now. Principle McFarland is out here also.
I pulled into the parking lot and saw everyone standing around. I jumped out of my truck and ran over. Monique met me half way. We both walked over to Teddy and the police. The police was wrapping up the last few questions.
When will he get a copy of the report?
And you are?
This is my father-in-law.
I have to put this in the system. I will give you a record number that you can give to the clerk downtown and they will give you a copy of the report.
How long will it take you to input this information?
Maybe two to three days.
No it won’t. Maybe this afternoon you will have it entered.
Sir, we have other things that we have to do.
Ok I will call my cousin, Sheriff Keith Bell, or my cousin Judge MiAsia Bell and see if I can get this expedited.
POLICE OFFICER (frustrated)
Sir, here is my cell number. Call me about 4:30 this afternoon. I should have it entered.
Thank you.
As the police officer returned to his motorcycle I could see the anger in Teddy’s eyes. I grabbed him by his shoulders and told him that everything was going to be ok. I assured him that we wo
uld get the windows replaced.
I walked over to Principal McFarland to ask him about security. Were there any cameras in the parking area? He responded with a shape “NO.”
I told him maybe he should consider it.
Teddy do you have any idea who could have done this?
No. I am lost.
Maybe it was just some hoodrats trying to have fun.
Maybe so but this is costing me.
Pop I will pay for it.
No. The insurance should cover it. Whatever they don’t I will. You two have to save for your baby. Look, take my truck to work. I will drive your car and get some estimates to replace the windows. Then I will take it home and park it.
Ok. Thanks.
Monique and Teddy both drove off to work. As I was getting in Teddy’s car my cell phone rang.
Replace the windows. We have something else planned.
Then there was silence. This puzzled me. I looked at my call log to identify the number but it said “unknown”. Now I was really starting to get pissed. Who would be behind this and why?
I called Dennis at his office to inform him of what had happened. He asked if we called the police. I told him yes. I explain to him that I was going to get estimates for the insurance company and afterward I was going home. He told me that he would bring over some food this evening so that no one would have to cook.
Dennis was very kind hearted. Always putting others first. That was a quality that I loved about him.
Later the evening Dennis arrived with some Japanese cuisines. He went directly in the kitchen and got plates out of the cabinets and started preparing them for us.
As we sat down, we gave thanks to God for the blessing that he had giving us. Thanking Him for not letting things be worse than what they were.
We talked about the estimates from the three different companies. Dennis raced to his briefcase that was in the corner and pulled out a copy of the police report. I was glad that he had time to pick it up because I completely forgot.
As I listen to Dennis talk and ask Teddy different questions I could not help but stare at him. Dennis was a very attractive man. I love how he used his hands to talk. His demeanor was very bold, so assure of himself. I was lost in my thoughts that I stuck myself in the jaw with the folk. I could not help but to let out a loud yelp. Monique started to laugh because she saw the whole thing.
After dinner we all retired to the living room. Dennis suggested that we play the Wii Tennis game. It was going to be Teddy and Monique verses Dennis and me. I loved playing this game along with the bowling. Dennis and I actually played tennis from time to time so I knew that we could beat my daughter and son-in-law.
Aretha went back to New Orleans alone. She didn’t tell anyone that she was going. She wanted to spend some time in condo to meditate. She entered the condo with grace. When she turned the lights on she noticed that some things had been rearranged. She knew no one could have gotten in because she changed the locks.
She pulled her gun out of her purse and walked into the condo as if she was an agent from CSI. In the kitchen there was no sign of any disturbance. She checked the hall bathroom – nothing. The bedrooms – nothing. When she entered the master bedroom there was a mess. The mattress was flipped off of the bed. The drawers were open. It was a complete mess. Why would someone just destroy that room and leave the rest of the house alone.
Aretha wondered if they were looking for the pictures that she found. If so, then she had an idea of who it might have been. She pulled the pictures out of her purse to look at them again. She wanted to get angry but she couldn’t. That was not the motive of this trip. Aretha took the time to get the room back in order.
Once she was finished she took a hot steamy shower. She washed her hair while in there. When she got out of the shower she pulled a L.K. Bennett dress out of her garment bag. She reached and got a pair of midheel pumps. Aretha wanted to make sure she looked like the millions that she just inherited.
Aretha first stop was the House of Blues to see Tank, Eric Benet, Rahsaan Patterson, and Montell Jordan. When she walked in she caught the attention of several men. Aretha sat down at her table and order a Sour Apple Martini.
It was ten minutes before the show was to start a gentleman walked over to her.
Excuse me, are you here alone?
No I am not. I am here with some friends.
GENTLEMAN (as he reached out to shake her hand)
I’m Tony.
Nice to meet you Tony.
And your name?
I just met you.
Oh well you are right.
But it is Aretha.
That is beautiful. Do you have a voice like “The Queen of Soul”?
No not even close.
Wow…I thought I was going to get a chance to hear you sing.
ARETHA (blushing)
Are you here alone or with someone?
Alone. I came to enjoy this show.
So did I. Have a seat.
Thank you. What about your friends that are with you?
They are sitting in the corner with some of their friends.
Aretha turned to look for anyone that she could wave at that she thought may wave back. She spotted a table with two women and two men that look like gym rats. Aretha took this opportunity to wave praying that they would go with her plan. As if on point they waved back. “Thank you Jesus” she thought.
Aretha continued her conversation with Tony. It wasn’t long that the lights went low. First on stage was Montell Jordan, followed by Tank, Rahsaan Patterson and Eric Benet closed the show.
Tony asked Aretha what were her plans. She told him she wanted to go dancing. He knew of a place that she would enjoy. Aretha suggested that she would follow him to this venue.
Aretha checked her makeup before exiting her car. She gave her hair a flip and herself a wink. She stepped out of the car to join Tony at the door. Tony took her by the hand and escorted her in. It was a very upscale club that played a mixture of R&B, Blues, and Pop.
3:00 in the morning Aretha told Tony that she was about to head home. He walked her out to her car and asked her if she wanted him to follow her to make sure that she arrived safely. She told him that she would be fine.
I have enjoyed this evening Ms. Aretha. I didn’t expect for my night to go this great.
I would have to agree.
Do you mind if we exchange contact information?
ARETHA (a little hesitant)
I want to hold off on giving you my number but I will give you my email address.
That’s cool.
They each wrote down their information and passed it to the other. Tony gave her a small kiss on the cheek. He opened the door of her car as she got in. Aretha gave him a wave and closed her door.
She was happy about the night as she drove home. She wondered if this could possibly be the beginning of something new. As Aretha was turning into the parking area her phone rang. She quickly answered it with a smile.
You may have heard some good singing and danced the night away but the fun is just beginning.
Then there was silence on the phone. Aretha was shocked by what she just heard. “What in
the hell is this?” she thought.
I decided that I would drive Monique and Teddy to her doctor’s appointment. Monique was fond of the idea because she wanted me to see the baby.
We opted to have a 4D ultrasound so that we could take images from a few different angles, which reveal more detailed images of the baby, such as facial features. It can also capture movements made by the baby during the procedure.
The doctor told Monique that everything was looking great. She was at twenty-five weeks and the baby was approximately twelve inches long weighing about two pounds.
She was holding Teddy’s hand. I could see the look in their eyes that they were proud. I was excited about seeing my first grandbaby. The doctor asked them if they wanted to know what the gender of the baby was, they declined at the same time. Personally I wanted to know but it wasn’t my choice.
The doctor explained to them about the delivery options. Monique said that she wanted to have natural child birth. Teddy and I looked at her with confusion on our face.
I read that with natural birth a woman is more intimate with her body and soul and feeling the birth of her baby will forever change her sense of self and importance in her life. Being medicated I would not be able to feel the contraction and might have difficulty pushing and be forced into a cesarean. I want my baby born free of drugs, more awake and have better muscle tone in the hours following its birth. It will also suckle at the breast quicker because it will be alert and not groggy and confused from the medication.
Someone has been reading.
Yes ma’am. So that is why I want natural childbirth.
Ok. Do you have any more questions for me?
No, I don’t. What about you Teddy?
I am good.
Ok, well you are good to go. You can get dressed and the nurse will bring you your papers.
Thank you.
The doctor gave them a handshake and a smile as she left the room. I told Monique and Teddy that I was going out also so that she could get dressed. It was amazing seeing the baby on the ultrasound. The movements, the heartbeats, the face, it was impressive.